Purchasing service

If you still own your own car or company car, it is often difficult to get rid of it in a short period of time. No problem, Shortleaseland is happy to help you with this. If desired, we can trade in your own private car or company car on the lease contract.

With our purchasing service we arrange the sale of your car and you immediately receive the agreed amount at the start of the lease contract. This way you no longer have to worry about the maintenance of your car, long lease contracts or a standstill of your car.

Fill in the purchasing service form below and you will receive a non-binding proposal.

Trade in your car or commercial vehicle

General information

Max. file size: 1 MB.

Additional information

Privacy statement*
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The advantages of leasing at Shortleaseland

  • Easy acceptance, no annual reports or bank guarantees required
  • Flexible lease contracts
  • Always on the basis of an operating lease (including maintenance, roadside assistance & insurance)
  • Choose from our wide range of new cars
  • Drive within 24 hours

088 700 1888

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